Ancient aliens? In the small town of Bellows Falls, Vermont on the banks of the Connecticut river lies two panels of precontact petroglyphs. The carvings depict over 24 oddly shaped faces, some appear to have antennas which has sparked extraterrestrial lore.
The ancient carvings are said to date back between 3,000 and 8,000 years with the earliest account of them written in 1789. They are believed to be the work of the Abenaki tribe, the native inhabitants of the area.
Interestingly enough, the river sits on a fault line (prior to the industrial period there were no bridges, train lines or dams) and according to earlier writings of the area in this part of the river there was a massive whirlpool.
Many early civilizations believed that whirlpools, sinks and cenotes were gateways to the afterlife or to the underworld. Was this area used as a burial site to send loved ones off to the heavens? But why the antennas? Were they sending their deceased to be reunited with other worldly beings? You be the judge!
Getting to the area was easy, trekking down the icy cliff face to see them with two seven year olds was not. But it was definitely worth it. I’ll remember this roadtrip adventure forever and highly recommend the stop if you are ever in the area.
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